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// if_package.intf.abap
class if_package {
  static INTERNAL_TYPE = 'INTF';
  static ATTRIBUTES = {"WBO_KORR_FLAG": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(1, {});}, "visibility": "U", "is_constant": " ", "is_class": " "},
  "SOFTWARE_COMPONENT": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.String({qualifiedName: "STRING"});}, "visibility": "U", "is_constant": " ", "is_class": " "},
  "APPLICATION_COMPONENT": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.String({qualifiedName: "STRING"});}, "visibility": "U", "is_constant": " ", "is_class": " "},
  "TRANSPORT_LAYER": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.String({qualifiedName: "STRING"});}, "visibility": "U", "is_constant": " ", "is_class": " "},
  "CHANGED_BY": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.String({qualifiedName: "STRING"});}, "visibility": "U", "is_constant": " ", "is_class": " "}};
  static METHODS = {"SAVE": {"visibility": "U", "parameters": {"I_TRANSPORT_REQUEST": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(20, {"qualifiedName":"TRKORR","ddicName":"TRKORR"});}, "is_optional": " "}}},
  "DELETE": {"visibility": "U", "parameters": {}},
  "SET_CHANGEABLE": {"visibility": "U", "parameters": {"I_CHANGEABLE": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(1, {"qualifiedName":"ABAP_BOOL","ddicName":"ABAP_BOOL"});}, "is_optional": " "}}},
  "GET_CHANGEABLE": {"visibility": "U", "parameters": {"E_CHANGEABLE": {"type": () => {return (() => { throw "Void type: ABAP" })();}, "is_optional": " "}}},
  "GET_ALL_ATTRIBUTES": {"visibility": "U", "parameters": {"E_PACKAGE_DATA": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Structure({"devclass": new abap.types.Character(30, {}), "dlvunit": new abap.types.Character(30, {}), "component": new abap.types.Character(20, {}), "ctext": new abap.types.Character(60, {}), "parentcl": new abap.types.Character(30, {}), "pdevclass": new abap.types.Character(4, {}), "as4user": new abap.types.Character(12, {}), "comp_posid": new abap.types.Character(24, {}), "mainpack": new abap.types.Character(1, {}), "created_by": new abap.types.Character(12, {}), "created_on": new abap.types.Date(), "changed_by": new abap.types.Character(12, {}), "changed_on": new abap.types.Date(), "dlvu_text": new abap.types.Character(80, {}), "layer_text": new abap.types.Character(60, {}), "intfprefx": new abap.types.Character(6, {}), "cli_check": new abap.types.Character(1, {}), "namespace": new abap.types.Character(10, {}), "tpclass": new abap.types.Character(1, {}), "korrflag": new abap.types.Character(1, {}), "comp_text": new abap.types.Character(60, {})}, "SCOMPKDTLN", "SCOMPKDTLN", {}, {});}, "is_optional": " "}}},
  "SAVE_GENERIC": {"visibility": "U", "parameters": {"I_SAVE_SIGN": {"type": () => {return (() => { throw "Void type: PAKSAVSIGN" })();}, "is_optional": " "}, "I_TRANSPORT_REQUEST": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(20, {"qualifiedName":"TRKORR","ddicName":"TRKORR"});}, "is_optional": " "}, "I_SUPPRESS_DIALOG": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(1, {"qualifiedName":"ABAP_BOOL","ddicName":"ABAP_BOOL"});}, "is_optional": " "}, "E_TRANSPORT_REQUEST": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(20, {"qualifiedName":"TRKORR","ddicName":"TRKORR"});}, "is_optional": " "}}},
  "SET_ALL_ATTRIBUTES": {"visibility": "U", "parameters": {"I_PACKAGE_DATA": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(4);}, "is_optional": " "}, "I_DATA_SIGN": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(4);}, "is_optional": " "}}},
  "SET_PERMISSIONS_CHANGEABLE": {"visibility": "U", "parameters": {"I_CHANGEABLE": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(1, {"qualifiedName":"ABAP_BOOL","ddicName":"ABAP_BOOL"});}, "is_optional": " "}, "I_SUPPRESS_DIALOG": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(1, {"qualifiedName":"ABAP_BOOL","ddicName":"ABAP_BOOL"});}, "is_optional": " "}, "I_SUPPRESS_LANGUAGE_CHECK": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(1, {"qualifiedName":"ABAP_BOOL","ddicName":"ABAP_BOOL"});}, "is_optional": " "}, "E_DELETED_PERMISSIONS": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(4);}, "is_optional": " "}}},
  "GET_PERMISSIONS_TO_USE": {"visibility": "U", "parameters": {"E_PERMISSIONS": {"type": () => {return (() => { throw "Void type: TPAK_PERMISSION_TO_USE_LIST" })();}, "is_optional": " "}}},
  "ADD_PERMISSION_TO_USE": {"visibility": "U", "parameters": {"I_PKG_PERMISSION_DATA": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(4);}, "is_optional": " "}, "E_PKG_PERMISSION": {"type": () => {return (() => { throw "Void type: if_package_permission_to_use" })();}, "is_optional": " "}}}};
abap.Classes['IF_PACKAGE'] = if_package;
export {if_package};