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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x | // if_system_uuid_rfc4122_static.intf.abap class if_system_uuid_rfc4122_static { static INTERNAL_TYPE = 'INTF'; static ATTRIBUTES = {}; static METHODS = {"CREATE_UUID_C36_BY_VERSION": {"visibility": "U", "parameters": {"UUID": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(36, {"qualifiedName":"SYSUUID_C36","ddicName":"SYSUUID_C36","description":"SYSUUID_C36"});}, "is_optional": " "}, "VERSION": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Integer({qualifiedName: "I"});}, "is_optional": " "}}}}; } abap.Classes['IF_SYSTEM_UUID_RFC4122_STATIC'] = if_system_uuid_rfc4122_static; export {if_system_uuid_rfc4122_static}; //# |