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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x | // if_t100_dyn_msg.intf.abap class if_t100_dyn_msg { static INTERNAL_TYPE = 'INTF'; static ATTRIBUTES = {"MSGTY": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(1, {"qualifiedName":"SYMSGTY","ddicName":"SYMSGTY","description":"SYMSGTY"});}, "visibility": "U", "is_constant": " ", "is_class": " "}, "MSGV1": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(50, {"qualifiedName":"SYMSGV","ddicName":"SYMSGV","description":"SYMSGV"});}, "visibility": "U", "is_constant": " ", "is_class": " "}, "MSGV2": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(50, {"qualifiedName":"SYMSGV","ddicName":"SYMSGV","description":"SYMSGV"});}, "visibility": "U", "is_constant": " ", "is_class": " "}, "MSGV3": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(50, {"qualifiedName":"SYMSGV","ddicName":"SYMSGV","description":"SYMSGV"});}, "visibility": "U", "is_constant": " ", "is_class": " "}, "MSGV4": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Character(50, {"qualifiedName":"SYMSGV","ddicName":"SYMSGV","description":"SYMSGV"});}, "visibility": "U", "is_constant": " ", "is_class": " "}, "IF_T100_MESSAGE~T100KEY": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Structure({"msgid": new abap.types.Character(20, {}), "msgno": new abap.types.Numc({length: 3}), "attr1": new abap.types.Character(255, {}), "attr2": new abap.types.Character(255, {}), "attr3": new abap.types.Character(255, {}), "attr4": new abap.types.Character(255, {})}, "SCX_T100KEY", "SCX_T100KEY", {}, {});}, "visibility": "U", "is_constant": " ", "is_class": " "}, "IF_T100_MESSAGE~DEFAULT_TEXTID": {"type": () => {return new abap.types.Structure({"msgid": new abap.types.Character(20, {"qualifiedName":"SYMSGID","ddicName":"SYMSGID","description":"SYMSGID"}), "msgno": new abap.types.Numc({length: 3, qualifiedName: "SYMSGNO"}), "attr1": new abap.types.String({qualifiedName: "SCX_ATTRNAME"}), "attr2": new abap.types.String({qualifiedName: "SCX_ATTRNAME"}), "attr3": new abap.types.String({qualifiedName: "SCX_ATTRNAME"}), "attr4": new abap.types.String({qualifiedName: "SCX_ATTRNAME"})}, undefined, undefined, {}, {});}, "visibility": "U", "is_constant": "X", "is_class": "X"}}; static METHODS = {}; } abap.Classes['IF_T100_DYN_MSG'] = if_t100_dyn_msg; export {if_t100_dyn_msg}; //# |