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PUBLIC SECTION. TYPES ty_names TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF abap_compname WITH DEFAULT KEY . CLASS-METHODS build_table_itab IMPORTING !iv_name TYPE tadir-obj_name RETURNING VALUE(rr_data) TYPE REF TO data RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. CLASS-METHODS build_data_filename IMPORTING !is_config TYPE zif_abapgit_data_config=>ty_config RETURNING VALUE(rv_filename) TYPE string. CLASS-METHODS build_config_filename IMPORTING !is_config TYPE zif_abapgit_data_config=>ty_config RETURNING VALUE(rv_filename) TYPE string. CLASS-METHODS jump IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. CLASS-METHODS does_table_exist IMPORTING !iv_name TYPE tadir-obj_name RETURNING VALUE(rv_exists) TYPE abap_bool. CLASS-METHODS is_customizing_table IMPORTING !iv_name TYPE tadir-obj_name RETURNING VALUE(rv_customizing) TYPE abap_bool. CLASS-METHODS list_key_fields IMPORTING !iv_name TYPE tadir-obj_name RETURNING VALUE(rt_names) TYPE ty_names RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_data_utils IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD build_config_filename. rv_filename = to_lower( |{ is_config-name }.{ zif_abapgit_data_config=>c_config }| && |.{ zif_abapgit_data_config=>c_default_format }| ). REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '/' IN rv_filename WITH '#'. ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_data_filename. rv_filename = to_lower( |{ is_config-name }.{ is_config-type }| && |.{ zif_abapgit_data_config=>c_default_format }| ). REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '/' IN rv_filename WITH '#'. ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_table_itab. DATA lo_type TYPE REF TO cl_abap_typedescr. DATA lo_data TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr. DATA lo_table TYPE REF TO cl_abap_tabledescr. DATA lt_keys TYPE abap_table_keydescr_tab. DATA lt_names TYPE ty_names. FIELD-SYMBOLS <lv_name> LIKE LINE OF lt_names. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_key> LIKE LINE OF lt_keys. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_component> LIKE LINE OF <ls_key>-components. cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_name( EXPORTING p_name = iv_name RECEIVING p_descr_ref = lo_type EXCEPTIONS type_not_found = 1 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Table { iv_name } not found for data serialization| ). ENDIF. TRY. lo_data ?= lo_type. " Get primary key to ensure unique entries IF lo_data->is_ddic_type( ) = abap_true. lt_names = list_key_fields( iv_name ). APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_keys ASSIGNING <ls_key>. <ls_key>-access_kind = cl_abap_tabledescr=>tablekind_hashed. <ls_key>-key_kind = cl_abap_tabledescr=>keydefkind_user. <ls_key>-is_primary = abap_true. <ls_key>-is_unique = abap_true. LOOP AT lt_names ASSIGNING <lv_name>. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO <ls_key>-components ASSIGNING <ls_component>. <ls_component>-name = <lv_name>. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. IF lines( lt_names ) = 0. lo_table = cl_abap_tabledescr=>get( lo_data ). ELSE. lo_table = cl_abap_tabledescr=>get_with_keys( p_line_type = lo_data p_keys = lt_keys ). ENDIF. CREATE DATA rr_data TYPE HANDLE lo_table. CATCH cx_root. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error creating internal table for data serialization| ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD does_table_exist. " This is slow but ensures that the table actually exists and is not just buffered by RTTI " If we just rely on RTTI, uninstalling and reinstalling a table in the same session will lead to dumps TRY. build_table_itab( iv_name ). rv_exists = abap_true. CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception ##NO_HANDLER. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_customizing_table. DATA lv_contflag TYPE c LENGTH 1. DATA lo_table TYPE REF TO object. DATA lo_content TYPE REF TO object. DATA lo_delivery_class TYPE REF TO object. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_any> TYPE any. TRY. CALL METHOD ('XCO_CP_ABAP_DICTIONARY')=>database_table EXPORTING iv_name = iv_name(16) RECEIVING ro_database_table = lo_table. CALL METHOD lo_table->('IF_XCO_DATABASE_TABLE~CONTENT') RECEIVING ro_content = lo_content. CALL METHOD lo_content->('IF_XCO_DBT_CONTENT~GET_DELIVERY_CLASS') RECEIVING ro_delivery_class = lo_delivery_class. ASSIGN lo_delivery_class->('VALUE') TO <ls_any>. lv_contflag = <ls_any>. CATCH cx_sy_dyn_call_illegal_class cx_no_check. " Catching SAP standard exception CX_NO_CHECK, " because of the expected exception CX_XCO_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION " could not be used here directly to keep the indirect usage approach. SELECT SINGLE contflag FROM ('DD02L') INTO lv_contflag WHERE tabname = iv_name. ENDTRY. IF lv_contflag = 'C'. rv_customizing = abap_true. ELSEIF lv_contflag IS NOT INITIAL. rv_customizing = abap_false. ELSE. rv_customizing = abap_undefined. " table does not exist ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD jump. " Run SE16 with authorization check CALL FUNCTION 'RS_TABLE_LIST_CREATE' EXPORTING table_name = is_item-obj_name EXCEPTIONS table_is_structure = 1 table_not_exists = 2 db_not_exists = 3 no_permission = 4 no_change_allowed = 5 * table_is_gtt = 6 " not in lower releases OTHERS = 7. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Table { is_item-obj_name } cannot be displayed| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD list_key_fields. DATA lo_obj TYPE REF TO object. DATA lv_tabname TYPE c LENGTH 16. DATA lr_ddfields TYPE REF TO data. DATA lv_workaround TYPE c LENGTH 20. DATA lr_struct TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr. FIELD-SYMBOLS <lg_any> TYPE any. FIELD-SYMBOLS <lv_field> TYPE simple. FIELD-SYMBOLS <lt_ddfields> TYPE ANY TABLE. * convert to correct type, lv_tabname = iv_name. TRY. CALL METHOD ('XCO_CP_ABAP_DICTIONARY')=>database_table EXPORTING iv_name = lv_tabname RECEIVING ro_database_table = lo_obj. ASSIGN lo_obj->('IF_XCO_DATABASE_TABLE~FIELDS->IF_XCO_DBT_FIELDS_FACTORY~KEY') TO <lg_any>. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * fallback to RTTI, KEY field does not exist in S/4 2020 RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_sy_dyn_call_illegal_class. ENDIF. lo_obj = <lg_any>. CALL METHOD lo_obj->('IF_XCO_DBT_FIELDS~GET_NAMES') RECEIVING rt_names = rt_names. CATCH cx_sy_dyn_call_illegal_class cx_no_check. lv_workaround = 'DDFIELDS'. CREATE DATA lr_ddfields TYPE (lv_workaround). ASSIGN lr_ddfields->* TO <lt_ddfields>. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. lr_struct ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_name( lv_tabname ). lr_struct->get_ddic_field_list( RECEIVING p_field_list = <lt_ddfields> EXCEPTIONS not_found = 1 no_ddic_type = 2 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Table { iv_name } not found| ). ENDIF. LOOP AT <lt_ddfields> ASSIGNING <lg_any>. ASSIGN COMPONENT 'KEYFLAG' OF STRUCTURE <lg_any> TO <lv_field>. IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR <lv_field> <> abap_true. CONTINUE. ENDIF. ASSIGN COMPONENT 'FIELDNAME' OF STRUCTURE <lg_any> TO <lv_field>. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. APPEND <lv_field> TO rt_names. ENDLOOP. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. |