All files / src/objects/aff zcl_abapgit_json_path.clas.testclasses.abap

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    DATA: mt_act  TYPE string_table,
          mt_exp  TYPE string_table,
          ms_data TYPE zif_abapgit_aff_intf_v1=>ty_main.
      deserialize_simple FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check,
      deserialize_nested_arrays FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check,
      flat_structure FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check,
      array          FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check,
      array_nested   FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check,
      deserialize_with_comments FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check.
        IMPORTING is_data          TYPE zif_abapgit_aff_intf_v1=>ty_main
        RETURNING VALUE(rt_result) TYPE string_table
        RAISING   zcx_abapgit_ajson_error
  METHOD serialize.
      lo_ajson TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_ajson,
      lo_cut   TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_json_path.
    lo_ajson = zcl_abapgit_ajson=>new( iv_keep_item_order = abap_true
      )->set( iv_path = '/'
              iv_val  = is_data
      )->map( zcl_abapgit_ajson_mapping=>create_to_camel_case( )
      )->filter( zcl_abapgit_ajson_filter_lib=>create_empty_filter( ) ).
    lo_ajson->delete( '/category/' ).
    lo_ajson->delete( '/proxy/' ).
    CREATE OBJECT lo_cut.
    rt_result = lo_cut->serialize( lo_ajson->stringify( ) ).
  METHOD flat_structure.
    DATA lv_header_descr TYPE string.
    lv_header_descr = `$.header.description=Text`.
    ms_data-header-description = 'Text'.
    mt_act = serialize( ms_data ).
    APPEND lv_header_descr TO mt_exp.
    cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = mt_exp
                                        act = mt_act ).
  METHOD array.
    DATA lv_header_descr TYPE string.
    DATA lv_descr_meth_1 TYPE string.
    DATA lv_descr_meth_2 TYPE string.
    DATA ls_meth_desc    TYPE zif_abapgit_aff_oo_types_v1=>ty_method.
    lv_header_descr = `$.header.description=Text`.
    lv_descr_meth_1 = `$.descriptions.methods[?('METH1')].description=Sonne`.
    lv_descr_meth_2 = `$.descriptions.methods[?('METH2')].description=Mond`.
    APPEND lv_header_descr TO mt_exp.
    APPEND lv_descr_meth_1 TO mt_exp.
    APPEND lv_descr_meth_2 TO mt_exp.
    ms_data-header-description = 'Text'.
    ls_meth_desc-name = `METH1`.
    ls_meth_desc-description = `Sonne`.
    APPEND ls_meth_desc TO ms_data-descriptions-methods.
    CLEAR ls_meth_desc.
    ls_meth_desc-name = `METH2`.
    ls_meth_desc-description = `Mond`.
    APPEND ls_meth_desc TO ms_data-descriptions-methods.
    mt_act = serialize( ms_data ).
    cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = mt_exp
                                        act = mt_act ).
  METHOD array_nested.
    DATA lv_header_descr TYPE string.
    DATA lv_descr_meth_1 TYPE string.
    DATA lv_descr_meth_1_param_1 TYPE string.
    DATA lv_descr_meth_1_param_2 TYPE string.
    DATA lv_descr_meth_2 TYPE string.
    DATA ls_meth_desc    TYPE zif_abapgit_aff_oo_types_v1=>ty_method.
    DATA ls_meth_param   TYPE zif_abapgit_aff_oo_types_v1=>ty_component_description.
    lv_header_descr = `$.header.description=Text`.
    lv_descr_meth_1 = `$.descriptions.methods[?('METH1')].description=Sonne`.
    lv_descr_meth_1_param_1 =
     `$.descriptions.methods[?('METH1')].parameters[?('param1')].description=Parameter A`.
    lv_descr_meth_1_param_2 =
      `$.descriptions.methods[?('METH1')].parameters[?('param2')].description=Parameter B`.
    lv_descr_meth_2 = `$.descriptions.methods[?('METH2')].description=Mond`.
    APPEND lv_header_descr TO mt_exp.
    APPEND lv_descr_meth_1 TO mt_exp.
    APPEND lv_descr_meth_1_param_1 TO mt_exp.
    APPEND lv_descr_meth_1_param_2 TO mt_exp.
    APPEND lv_descr_meth_2 TO mt_exp.
    ls_meth_param-name = 'param1'.
    ls_meth_param-description = 'Parameter A'.
    APPEND ls_meth_param TO ls_meth_desc-parameters.
    ls_meth_param-name = 'param2'.
    ls_meth_param-description = 'Parameter B'.
    APPEND ls_meth_param TO ls_meth_desc-parameters.
    ls_meth_desc-name = `METH1`.
    ls_meth_desc-description = `Sonne`.
    APPEND ls_meth_desc TO ms_data-descriptions-methods.
    CLEAR ls_meth_desc.
    ls_meth_desc-name = `METH2`.
    ls_meth_desc-description = `Mond`.
    APPEND ls_meth_desc TO ms_data-descriptions-methods.
    ms_data-header-description = 'Text'.
    mt_act = serialize( ms_data ).
    cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = mt_exp
                                        act = mt_act ).
  METHOD deserialize_nested_arrays.
    DATA: lt_file     TYPE string_table,
          lo_cut      TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_json_path,
          lv_act      TYPE string,
          lv_exp      TYPE string,
          lt_exp      TYPE string_table,
          lv_is_equal TYPE abap_bool.
    APPEND `$.header.description=Text` TO lt_file.
    APPEND `$.descriptions.methods[?('METH1')].description=Sonne` TO lt_file.
    APPEND `$.descriptions.methods[?('METH1')].parameters[?('param2')].description=ABC` TO lt_file.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_cut.
    lv_act = lo_cut->deserialize( lt_file ).
    APPEND `{  "header": { "description": "Text" } ,` TO lt_exp.
    APPEND `"descriptions": {` TO lt_exp.
    APPEND `"methods": [ ` TO lt_exp.
    APPEND ` { "name": "METH1",` TO lt_exp.
    APPEND `"description": "Sonne",` TO lt_exp.
    APPEND `"parameters": [ { "name": "param2", "description": "ABC" } ]` TO lt_exp.
    APPEND `}]}}` TO lt_exp.
    lv_exp = concat_lines_of( table = lt_exp
                              sep   = cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline ).
    lv_is_equal = zcl_abapgit_ajson_utilities=>new( )->is_equal( iv_json_a = lv_act
                                                                 iv_json_b = lv_exp ).
    cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_is_equal
                                        exp = abap_true ).
  METHOD deserialize_simple.
    DATA: lt_file     TYPE string_table,
          lo_cut      TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_json_path,
          lv_act      TYPE string,
          lv_is_equal TYPE abap_bool.
    APPEND `$.header.description=Text` TO lt_file.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_cut.
    lv_act = lo_cut->deserialize( lt_file ).
    lv_is_equal = zcl_abapgit_ajson_utilities=>new( )->is_equal(
      iv_json_a = lv_act
      iv_json_b = ` { "header": { "description": "Text" } } ` ).
    cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_is_equal
                                        exp = abap_true ).
  METHOD deserialize_with_comments.
    DATA: lt_file     TYPE string_table,
          lo_cut      TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_json_path,
          lv_act      TYPE string.
    APPEND `# comment = abc` TO lt_file.
    APPEND `!this is a comment [abc]` TO lt_file.
    APPEND `` TO lt_file.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_cut.
    lv_act = lo_cut->deserialize( lt_file ).
    cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lv_act ).