All files / src/objects zcl_abapgit_objects_program.clas.testclasses.abap

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    METHODS strip_generation_comments_1 FOR TESTING.
    METHODS strip_generation_comments_2 FOR TESTING.
CLASS zcl_abapgit_objects_program DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltcl_test.
  METHOD strip_generation_comments_1.
    DATA lo_cut TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_objects_program.
    DATA ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item.
    DATA lt_src_orig TYPE abaptxt255_tab.
    DATA lt_src_act TYPE abaptxt255_tab.
    DATA lt_src_exp TYPE abaptxt255_tab.
    APPEND '*---------------------------------------------------------------------*' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND '*    view related data declarations' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND '*   generation date: 03.02.2022 at 13:19:02' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND '*   view maintenance generator version: #001407#' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND '*---------------------------------------------------------------------*' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND 'some code starts here' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND '*---------------------------------------------------------------------*' TO lt_src_exp.
    APPEND '*    view related data declarations' TO lt_src_exp.
    APPEND '*---------------------------------------------------------------------*' TO lt_src_exp.
    APPEND 'some code starts here' TO lt_src_exp.
    " case 1, not FUGR, should skip
    ls_item-obj_type = 'PROG'.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_cut
        iv_language = 'E'
        is_item     = ls_item.
    lt_src_act = lt_src_orig.
    lo_cut->strip_generation_comments( CHANGING ct_source = lt_src_act ).
      act = lt_src_act
      exp = lt_src_orig ).
    " case 2, FUGR
    ls_item-obj_type = 'FUGR'.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_cut
        iv_language = 'E'
        is_item     = ls_item.
    lt_src_act = lt_src_orig.
    lo_cut->strip_generation_comments( CHANGING ct_source = lt_src_act ).
      act = lt_src_act
      exp = lt_src_exp ).
    " case 3, wrong pattern
    CLEAR lt_src_orig.
    APPEND '*---------------------------------------------------------------------*' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND '* extra line' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND '*    view related data declarations' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND '*   generation date: 03.02.2022 at 13:19:02' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND '*   view maintenance generator version: #001407#' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND '*---------------------------------------------------------------------*' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND 'some code starts here' TO lt_src_orig.
    ls_item-obj_type = 'FUGR'.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_cut
        iv_language = 'E'
        is_item     = ls_item.
    lt_src_act = lt_src_orig.
    lo_cut->strip_generation_comments( CHANGING ct_source = lt_src_act ).
      act = lt_src_act
      exp = lt_src_orig ).
  METHOD strip_generation_comments_2.
    DATA lo_cut TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_objects_program.
    DATA ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item.
    DATA lt_src_orig TYPE abaptxt255_tab.
    DATA lt_src_act TYPE abaptxt255_tab.
    DATA lt_src_exp TYPE abaptxt255_tab.
    APPEND '* regenerated at 06.06.2022 10:47:40' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND 'some code 1' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND 'some code 2' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND 'some code 3' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND 'some code 4' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND 'some code 5' TO lt_src_orig.
    APPEND 'some code 1' TO lt_src_exp.
    APPEND 'some code 2' TO lt_src_exp.
    APPEND 'some code 3' TO lt_src_exp.
    APPEND 'some code 4' TO lt_src_exp.
    APPEND 'some code 5' TO lt_src_exp.
    " case 1, not FUGR, should skip
    ls_item-obj_type = 'FUGR'.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_cut
        iv_language = 'E'
        is_item     = ls_item.
    lt_src_act = lt_src_orig.
    lo_cut->strip_generation_comments( CHANGING ct_source = lt_src_act ).
      act = lt_src_act
      exp = lt_src_exp ).