All files / src/syntax zcl_abapgit_syntax_xml.clas.abap

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82.35% Branches 14/17
50% Functions 1/2
88.46% Lines 161/182

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CLASS zcl_abapgit_syntax_xml DEFINITION
  INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_syntax_highlighter
      BEGIN OF c_css,
        xml_tag  TYPE string VALUE 'xml_tag',
        attr     TYPE string VALUE 'attr',
        attr_val TYPE string VALUE 'attr_val',
        comment  TYPE string VALUE 'comment',
      END OF c_css .
      BEGIN OF c_token,
        xml_tag  TYPE c VALUE 'X',
        attr     TYPE c VALUE 'A',
        attr_val TYPE c VALUE 'V',
        comment  TYPE c VALUE 'C',
      END OF c_token .
      BEGIN OF c_regex,
        "for XML tags, we will use a submatch
        " main pattern includes quoted strings so we can ignore < and > in attr values
        xml_tag  TYPE string VALUE '(?:"[^"]*")|(?:''[^'']*'')|(?:`[^`]*`)|([<>])',
        attr     TYPE string VALUE '(?:^|\s)[-a-z:_0-9]+\s*(?==\s*["|''|`])',
        attr_val TYPE string VALUE '("[^"]*")|(''[^'']*'')|(`[^`]*`)',
        " comments <!-- ... -->
        comment  TYPE string VALUE '[\<]!--.*--[\>]|[\<]!--|--[\>]',
      END OF c_regex .
    METHODS constructor .
    CLASS-DATA gv_comment TYPE abap_bool.
    METHODS order_matches REDEFINITION.
CLASS zcl_abapgit_syntax_xml IMPLEMENTATION.
  METHOD constructor.
    super->constructor( ).
    " Reset indicator for multi-line comments
    CLEAR gv_comment.
    " Initialize instances of regular expressions
    add_rule( iv_regex    = c_regex-xml_tag
              iv_token    = c_token-xml_tag
              iv_style    = c_css-xml_tag
              iv_submatch = 1 ).
    add_rule( iv_regex = c_regex-attr
              iv_token = c_token-attr
              iv_style = c_css-attr ).
    add_rule( iv_regex = c_regex-attr_val
              iv_token = c_token-attr_val
              iv_style = c_css-attr_val ).
    add_rule( iv_regex = c_regex-comment
              iv_token = c_token-comment
              iv_style = c_css-comment ).
  METHOD order_matches.
      lv_match      TYPE string,
      lv_line_len   TYPE i,
      lv_cmmt_end   TYPE i,
      lv_index      TYPE sy-tabix,
      lv_prev_token TYPE c,
      lv_state      TYPE c VALUE 'O'. " O - for open tag; C - for closed tag;
      <ls_prev>  TYPE ty_match,
      <ls_match> TYPE ty_match.
    SORT ct_matches BY offset.
    lv_line_len = strlen( iv_line ).
    " Check if this is part of multi-line comment and mark it accordingly
    IF gv_comment = abap_true.
      READ TABLE ct_matches WITH KEY token = c_token-comment TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        CLEAR ct_matches.
        APPEND INITIAL LINE TO ct_matches ASSIGNING <ls_match>.
        <ls_match>-token = c_token-comment.
        <ls_match>-offset = 0.
        <ls_match>-length = lv_line_len.
    LOOP AT ct_matches ASSIGNING <ls_match>.
      lv_index = sy-tabix.
      lv_match = substring( val = iv_line
                            off = <ls_match>-offset
                            len = <ls_match>-length ).
      CASE <ls_match>-token.
        WHEN c_token-xml_tag.
          <ls_match>-text_tag = lv_match.
          " No other matches between two tags
          IF <ls_match>-text_tag = '>' AND lv_prev_token = c_token-xml_tag.
            lv_state = 'C'.
            <ls_prev>-length = <ls_match>-offset - <ls_prev>-offset + <ls_match>-length.
            DELETE ct_matches INDEX lv_index.
            " Adjust length and offset of closing tag
          ELSEIF <ls_match>-text_tag = '>' AND lv_prev_token <> c_token-xml_tag.
            lv_state = 'C'.
            IF <ls_prev> IS ASSIGNED.
              <ls_match>-length = <ls_match>-offset - <ls_prev>-offset - <ls_prev>-length + <ls_match>-length.
              <ls_match>-offset = <ls_prev>-offset + <ls_prev>-length.
            lv_state = 'O'.
        WHEN c_token-comment.
          IF lv_match = '<!--'.
            DELETE ct_matches WHERE offset > <ls_match>-offset.
            DELETE ct_matches WHERE offset = <ls_match>-offset AND token = c_token-xml_tag.
            <ls_match>-length = lv_line_len - <ls_match>-offset.
            gv_comment = abap_true.
          ELSEIF lv_match = '-->'.
            DELETE ct_matches WHERE offset < <ls_match>-offset.
            <ls_match>-length = <ls_match>-offset + 3.
            <ls_match>-offset = 0.
            gv_comment = abap_false.
            lv_cmmt_end = <ls_match>-offset + <ls_match>-length.
            DELETE ct_matches WHERE offset > <ls_match>-offset AND offset <= lv_cmmt_end.
            DELETE ct_matches WHERE offset = <ls_match>-offset AND token = c_token-xml_tag.
        WHEN OTHERS.
          IF lv_prev_token = c_token-xml_tag.
            <ls_prev>-length = <ls_match>-offset - <ls_prev>-offset. " Extend length of the opening tag
          IF lv_state = 'C'.  " Delete all matches between tags
            DELETE ct_matches INDEX lv_index.
      lv_prev_token = <ls_match>-token.
      ASSIGN <ls_match> TO <ls_prev>.
    "if the last XML tag is not closed, extend it to the end of the tag
    IF lv_prev_token = c_token-xml_tag
        AND <ls_prev> IS ASSIGNED
        AND <ls_prev>-length  = 1
        AND <ls_prev>-text_tag = '<'.
      FIND REGEX '<\s*[^\s]*' IN iv_line+<ls_prev>-offset MATCH LENGTH <ls_prev>-length.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        <ls_prev>-length = 1.