All files / src/ui/pages zcl_abapgit_gui_page_repo_over.clas.locals_imp.abap

100% Statements 36/36
100% Branches 0/0
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100% Lines 36/36

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CLASS lcl_table_scheme DEFINITION FINAL.
  " TODO: move to a global class, when table is separated as a component
    DATA mt_col_spec TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_col_spec_tt READ-ONLY.
    METHODS add_column
        iv_tech_name      TYPE string OPTIONAL
        iv_display_name   TYPE string OPTIONAL
        iv_css_class      TYPE string OPTIONAL
        iv_add_tz         TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL
        iv_title          TYPE string OPTIONAL
        iv_allow_order_by TYPE any OPTIONAL
        VALUE(ro_me)      TYPE REF TO lcl_table_scheme.
CLASS lcl_table_scheme IMPLEMENTATION.
  METHOD add_column.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_col> LIKE LINE OF mt_col_spec.
    APPEND INITIAL LINE TO mt_col_spec ASSIGNING <ls_col>.
    <ls_col>-display_name   = iv_display_name.
    <ls_col>-tech_name      = iv_tech_name.
    <ls_col>-title          = iv_title.
    <ls_col>-css_class      = iv_css_class.
    <ls_col>-add_tz         = iv_add_tz.
    <ls_col>-allow_order_by = iv_allow_order_by.
    ro_me = me.