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CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_page_tutorial DEFINITION
  INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_gui_component
    INTERFACES zif_abapgit_gui_renderable.
    CLASS-METHODS create
        VALUE(ri_page) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_renderable
    CLASS-METHODS build_main_menu
        VALUE(ro_menu) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar.
CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_page_tutorial IMPLEMENTATION.
  METHOD build_main_menu.
    CREATE OBJECT ro_menu EXPORTING iv_id = 'toolbar-main'.
      iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>repo_list( )
      iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-abapgit_home
      iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>new_online( )
      iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_newonline
      iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>new_offline( )
      iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_newoffline
      iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>help( )
      io_sub = zcl_abapgit_gui_menus=>help( ) ).
  METHOD create.
    DATA lo_component TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_gui_page_tutorial.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_component.
    ri_page = zcl_abapgit_gui_page_hoc=>create(
      iv_page_title      = 'Tutorial'
      io_page_menu       = build_main_menu( )
      ii_child_component = lo_component ).
  METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_renderable~render.
    CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html.
    ri_html->add( '<div class="tutorial">' ).
    ri_html->add( '<h1>Tutorial</h1>' ).
    ri_html->add( '<hr>' ).
    ri_html->add( '<h2>Online repositories</h2>' ).
    ri_html->add( '<p><ul>' ).
    ri_html->add( `<li>To clone a remote repository (e.g. from github) click ` ).
    ri_html->add_a( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>new_online( )
                    iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_newonline ).
    ri_html->add( ' from the top menu. This will link a remote repository with a package on your system.</li>' ).
    ri_html->add( '<li>Use the pull button to retrieve and activate the remote objects.</li>' ).
    ri_html->add( '<li>If the remote repository is updated,' ).
    ri_html->add( ' you will see the changes and can pull to apply the updates.</li>' ).
    ri_html->add( '</ul></p>' ).
    ri_html->add( '<h2>Offline repositories</h2>' ).
    ri_html->add( '<p><ul>' ).
    ri_html->add( `<li>To add a package as an offline repository, click ` ).
    ri_html->add_a( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>new_offline( )
                    iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_newoffline ).
    ri_html->add( ' from the top menu.' ).
    ri_html->add( '<li>abapGit will start tracking changes for the package ' ).
    ri_html->add( 'without linking it to an online git repository.</li>' ).
    ri_html->add( '<li>You can link the package later or just export the package content as a ZIP file.</li>' ).
    ri_html->add( '</ul></p>' ).
    ri_html->add( '</ul></p>' ).
    ri_html->add( '<h2>Repository list and favorites</h2>' ).
    ri_html->add( '<p><ul>' ).
    ri_html->add( |<li>To favorite a repository, use the {
                  ri_html->icon( 'star/darkgrey' ) } icon in the repository list.</li>| ).
    ri_html->add( |<li>To go to a repository, click on the repository name.</li>| ).
    ri_html->add( |<li>To go back to your favorites, use the| ).
      iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>repo_list( )
      iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-abapgit_home ).
    ri_html->add( |</li>| ).
    ri_html->add( `<li>` ).
    ri_html->add_a( iv_txt = 'Explore'
                    iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_explore ).
    ri_html->add( ' to find projects using abapGit</li>' ).
    ri_html->add( '</ul></p>' ).
    ri_html->add( '</div>' ).